May 9, 2024

Christina Rayball has worked in The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) Partner Program since 2021 and currently serves as an interim lead teacher for a partner classroom in Groton, MA. She was nominated by a colleague because she has excelled in her interim role and “has helped the students make incredible gains in her time in Groton.”

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love working with the students. There is nothing better than getting to help students learn new skills and accomplish their goals. It’s the best feeling getting to be part of their journey and watching them all grow!

What are your daily duties/schedule like working in the partner classroom?

I spend my time writing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), creating academic materials, updating and training behavior plans, training staff, collaborating with service providers and our consulting specialist, and working with students! 

What is something you would like people to know about working in the Partner Program?

Collaborating and working alongside other programs and service providers is so much fun! Working in the Partner Program, we get the opportunity to expand our social skills and then generalize them to the greater school community in inclusion settings.

Why did you choose a career in helping children with autism?

I’ve always wanted to help people, but helping children with autism was not the field I intended to go into. However, I’ve stayed in this field because I love helping our students be part of their school communities and achieve their goals.


I was recommended to NECC from a current employee (shout out to Kathy Clark!)

Have you taken advantage of any of the grad programs or teacher training at NECC? If so, how has it affected your teaching style?

I am currently enrolled in the Simmons University master’s degree program!

What is something about you that your colleagues might be surprised to learn?

I love to read! I usually read five to six books a month! 

Who is someone you look up to?

I look up to my mom; she’s been through a lot and always comes out better for it.

What is your life philosophy or motto you like to live by?

My life philosophy is that “it could always be worse, and it can always get better.”