NECC has developed several model classroom programs to assist public schools with serving children with autism in their community school.

Partner Program Classrooms are model ABA classrooms. The first Partner Program Classroom was developed in collaboration with a public school in 1998. Today, NECC operates 54 Partner Program Classrooms across 27 school districts.

In Partner Program Classrooms, NECC works with public schools to provide a comprehensive ABA classroom that combines best clinical practices and mirrors the structure and support at NECC. In addition, this model is a cost-effective way for a school district to improve their services for special education students.

NECC Partner Classrooms provide:

  • A full-time master’s level certified special educator
  • Weekly consultation from an experienced licensed BCBA®
  • Initial and ongoing professional development for school paraprofessionals affiliated with the classroom
  • Full complement of educational programming through the Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia® (ACE®) including assessments, curriculum, and progress monitoring tools, as well as modification of general education curriculum

Cooperative Classrooms provide the school district with similar supports, but with a district-hired certified teacher. NECC currently operates 5 Cooperative Classrooms across 4 school districts.

“Best thing that ever happened to my daughter after her diagnosis. NECC educated the both of us and prepared us for the future.” – NECC Parent