March 6, 2024

Olivia Tomyl has worked as a level 2 teacher in The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) Intensive Instructive Program (IIP) since June 2022.  She was nominated by a colleague because she is “dedicated and has a great rapport with all of the students and staff. She goes above and beyond and always comes up with great ideas!”

Why did you choose a career in helping children with autism?

My younger sister has special needs, so helping others has always been something that has come naturally to me. I have fun doing it, so I decided to make it a career.


I chose NECC because of its amazing reputation and all of the opportunities within the organization to continue to grow and learn. For example, I have had the opportunity to take part in case manager responsibilities, graduate programs, additional training, etc.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is creating genuine student-teacher relationships. As a teacher, you play so many different roles within students’ lives, and the relationship you have with them creates such a big impact.

Have you taken advantage of any of the grad programs or teacher training at NECC? If so, how has it affected your teaching style?

I am in the Simmons University master’s degree program, and it has largely affected my teaching here at NECC. Most importantly, I have learned more about the laws regarding special education and find it fascinating to know where all of these education-related things we do every day have originated from.

What is something about you that your colleagues might be surprised to learn?

I used to work at Yankee Candle, so I have developed a large collection and obsession with candles.

Who is someone you look up to?

I look up to my little sister.  She is the one who inspired me to go into the field of special education, and I have learned more from her than I have from anybody else in my life. 

What is your life philosophy or motto you like to live by?

I live by the reminder that we are always learning!