45 Stories of Inspiration: Cammarie Johnson

With both clinical and educational experience, Cammarie Johnson, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, has been at the center of a number of important changes to NECC’s model in how it provides services to its students. An NECC staff member since 1988, Johnson was one of the first Program Specialists (a role that combines education and clinical case management), and later was among the first to hold the title of Program Director, which oversees multiple teams of students.

Now the NECC Director of Education Services at the Center, Johnson truly embraces the notion of NECC functioning as a team with the shared goal of helping children with autism learn and grow.

“All of us are responsible for the growth and development of our students,” says Johnson. “When students make progress, and we have those great success stories, that is the ultimate reinforcer for us as educators and behavior analysts.”